6.0 Now Available
Netsweeper 6.0 is now generally available. All customers are recommended to upgrade to Netsweeper 6.0.6 GA release. The 6.0.6 GA release includes security updates, bug fixes, and some performance improvements. We recommend that all customers plan to upgrade to the 6.0 GA release to take advantage of new functionality and all the stability and security improvements.
Some of the major features and bug fixes in 6.0 GA include:
- NSProxy improvements
- WebAdmin functionality updates
- DirSync and Request Log Files windows updated
- Table headers and footers updated and standardized across the WebAdmin
- Improvements to Policy, Account and List Management functionality
- Reporting: New ‘Custom Reports’ can be created using only one page
- New APIs: Upgraded to API version 5 and new Group Management process APIs
For a summary of 6.0 GA improvements, visit our HelpDesk documents or to view 6.0. New Features, click here.
To see the 6.0.6 Change Log or to download this release see the knowledgebase article.
If you have any questions or concerns about planning an upgrade to this release, please contact Netsweeper Technical Support support@netsweeper.com.