Policies, Terms, and Conditions

Social Responsibility


Netsweeper relies on the diversity of its personnel, partners, and customers to maximize innovation, growth, competitiveness, and customer satisfaction. We strive to deliver the most cutting-edge internet categorization technology to all our markets.

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)

As a company, Netsweeper takes its corporate social responsibilities seriously and is continually reviewing its products, policies, and systems to ensure that we are aware of all aspects of CSR related to the internet categorization technology field. We believe that following CSR principles and practices make good business sense by increasing market competitiveness, risk management, and positive relationships with team members and partners as well as improving one’s connections in the world. CSR areas such as legal and ethical behaviour, concern for employee health and wellbeing, minimizing damage to the environment, and being active members of our communities are keys to being a good corporate citizen.

Our choices and our actions create our reputation. In knowing this, we consider social, environmental, and ethical issues on an ongoing basis. The CSR applies to everyone in Netsweeper, including every director, manager, and employee. Contractors of Netsweeper must also follow the CSR.

Legal Requirements and Ethics

We seek to adhere to all applicable laws, rules and regulations, accounting standards, and ethical guidelines in the countries and territories in which we do business. All directors, managers, and employees are required to comply with the laws, rules, and regulations applicable to their business activities and areas of responsibilities. These standards are applied to all dealings with authorities, customers, suppliers, contractors, employees, and other stakeholders to ensure professionalism and integrity.

The following is an outline of our Netsweeper ethics actions:

  • All directors have the right and responsibility to ensure that the company’s business is conducted within legal requirements.
  • Discrimination or harassment against or by authorities, customers, suppliers, contractors, employees, and other stakeholders will not be tolerated.
  • As per anti-corruption requirements, no bribes or facilitation payments of any kind or any amount shall be given or received.
  • Netsweeper’s assets are intended for Netsweeper business purposes and goals only and therefore Netsweeper assets must be safeguarded. Netsweeper’s assets include but are not limited to items such as office facilities, furniture, equipment and supplies, information systems and other technology assets, intellectual property rights, and confidential information.
  • Compliance with Netsweeper rules on confidentiality and conflict of interest is required.
  • We seek an open culture where our team members may ask questions if they are unsure and want to raise concerns without the fear of retribution. Employees are encouraged to report any suspected wrongdoings to assist Netsweeper in maintaining its legal integrity. As such, retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, seeks advice concerning, or who reports or complains of violations of, laws, policies, or other illegal or unethical conduct is not permitted.
  • All purchase contract details are reviewed in advance of acceptance to ensure that details of sales agreements are in keeping with the laws and regulations applicable to the customer, reseller, and Netsweeper as the service provider.

Commitment to Our People

Netsweeper believes that our team is the foundation of our longevity and success, and we encourage safety, development, and contributions.

Netsweeper supports a productive work environment that is inclusive, diverse, and accessible to individuals that may experience discriminatory practices based on grounds such as race, marital status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious belief, and other protected grounds, and are therefore protected. We seek to identify and remove barriers for members of designated groups as well as to identify and promote policies and practices that enable members of designated groups to have equal opportunity within the company. Discrimination and harassment in the workplace are not in keeping with Netsweeper’s business practices and are not supported or condoned by senior management or its directors. Netsweeper also provides equality, fairness, and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, contract, part-time, or full-time.

We are also committed to the health and safety of our employees and seek to comply with all applicable health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations. All Netsweeper property and facilities are to be used in the correct, safe, and responsible way to prevent incidents and injuries. Any required safety related training will be completed appropriately and any concerns regarding health and safety should be reported to Human Resources or the Health and Safety Committee where applicable.

Another avenue of showing our commitment to our team members is to support them in pursuing learning opportunities throughout their careers with us. Through investing in lifelong learning of our team members each year, we are better able to support our clients, exceed their expectations, and provide excellence now and into the future.

Modern Slavery

Netsweeper is dedicated to ensuring we source responsibly, trade ethically, and prevent modern slavery and human trafficking both within our company and our business relationships. Our established policies, regularly reviewed and updated, outline and support our commitment to act ethically in the course of business and guide interactions with those we contract with.

In pursuit of our efforts to address modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and/or supply chain, we:

  • Refuse business with restricted countries and regularly review what countries to avoid at the management level.
  • Put principles ahead of money by turning down even the most profitable opportunities in countries that don’t meet our ethical requirements.
  • Follow all Canadian Government sanction requirements.
  • Regularly seek Canadian Government guidance when there may be questions about securing business with a foreign government, even if not on the sanctioned list.
  • Actively detect and block CSAM and human trafficking websites around the globe.
  • Are active partners with, and financial contributors to, advocate groups such as WeProtect, IWF, and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.

Environmentally Friendly

Netsweeper is committed to making a positive contribution to environmental issues and to integrating an awareness of the environment into the fabric of our business activities and decision-making processes. We believe that many environmental initiatives make sound business sense and will in fact generate cost savings within our organization and for our customers.

As a software provider, Netsweeper does not create or supply hardware products that would require installation, removal, disposal, or recycling. Therefore, our products are installed into existing customer systems and products. We are proud of the fact that when our customers use our software, they tend to require fewer servers than those needed by competing systems, resulting in energy and cooling cost savings.

To achieve cohesive efforts within our company, Netsweeper actively encourages our team to:

  • Comply with all relevant legislation and strive to exceed requirements where this is practical and appropriate.
  • Promote the reduction, re-use, and recycling of materials in all working activities to conserve resources and reduce waste disposal (including stationery supplies and recycling).
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness of our travel and expense policy on a regular basis and encourage the use of email, video, and tele-conferencing where appropriate to minimize travel.
  • Provide appropriate training to all our team members to enable them to successfully implement this policy as well as to gain their support in improving Netsweeper’s performance.
  • Seek to integrate environmental considerations in all business decisions and encourage our team members and suppliers to consider their environmental impact. This includes decisions on sourcing items for purchases closer to our business locations to minimize the environmental impact of deliveries.
  • Endeavour to continuously improve our environmental performance by regularly reviewing our activities and policy and setting new targets to reduce any environmental impacts and wastes caused by our activities.

Community-Minded and Community-Based

While international in scope, Netsweeper and its team members are committed to the communities in which they live and work. With that in mind, we create connections within our communities as part of our regular business practices.

  • We seek to hire local people whenever possible as we value their talents and community knowledge.
  • We are advocates and partners with organizations geared towards reporting and protecting against the online exploitation of children.
  • We are an approved provider for Friendly Wi-Fi seeking to offer public assurance that the Wi-Fi being accessed is filtered for indecent images of children.
  • We support Netsweeper team members in giving their time to support local charities by encouraging donations of goods, funds, and time.
  • We support small and local businesses in our communities through our purchase selections, avoiding importing goods whenever possible.
  • We create relationships with local schools and through student placements, offering strong community-based learning opportunities for students seeking work-related experience.

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