Secure Remote Devices Everywhere, On and Off the Network
Technology facilitates learning, interaction, and creativity for this generation of digital natives. It also gives pupils some freedom to choose where they learn. As more devices become mainstream education tools, school IT managers need efficient mechanisms to prevent exposure to harmful content, block cyber threats, and comply with regulations such as KCSIE, whether pupils are online or offline.

Real-Time Web and Content Filtering for Every Pupil Device
nClient integrates into our core nFilter platform to protect pupils and enforce policies on every device and operating system, including Windows, Mac, Chrome, Android, and iOS. This enables schools to supply devices for remote learning and allow BYOD, while safeguarding pupils and school networks from cyber-attacks and damaging content. Together, nFilter and nClient benefit schools by offering:
- Dynamic web and content filtering using AI technology
- Device protection on and off the network
- SafeSearch enforcement
- Monitoring and reporting for policy compliance
- Management of multiple schools through a single interface
- Delegated administration
- Granular social media control
- Advanced reporting and monitoring